Haunted Earthbound ll
Part 2: Dimensia's Prophecy
By: DarthBelch
Ness: So when will "Dimensia" re-appear?
Gecko: At the hour of the beast.....
Paula: What?
Poo: Hm....666. Thats the number of the beast. So the hour of the beast would be 6:66, or 66 minutes after 6 o'clock. We have the same belifs of "The Beast" in Dalaam!
Gecko: Exactly!
Jeff: But thats impossible.....but if you convert it to normal time, 6:66 is converted to 7:06.
Ness: How can it appear when time as stopped? Well, us 5 are stuck in what we call Dimension Time. Not Dimensia the house, Dimension. The thing that exerts or controls the force has the power to stop time, and it has the power to keep time running for a few selected people! The thing behind Dimensia chose us. So time keeps on running for us. Also whatever is inside of Dimensia stays active too. And theres a prophecy; a short one.
Ness: Well. tell us!
Gecko: Upon the holy death of the Universal Cosmic Destroyer, thats Giygas, the following halloween, a house of haunted measures will appear at the hour of the beast. The chosen four who defeated The Universal Cosmic Destroye will be called upon to defeat the house when all time is stopped exept for the 4. When 4 enter the se they will see nothing but old house. The 2nd floor and up has all the old enemies the chosen 4 have defeated. On the final floor, the beast will be awaiting. Theres one mor.....
(Gecko stops and freezes)
Ness: Well i guess that Dimension time got to him.
Poo: Look at what hes holding...
(They take the thing out of Gecko's hand. Its a watch. Jeff reads the back)
Jeff: This watch is set for Dimension Time! It reads 7:05 and 59....
(Suddenly, the ground starts shaking and a huge hole is seen near them. A roof starts to pop out of the ground. Then the rest comes out)
Paula: Its Dimensia!!
Ness: Wait, this is stupid. Well we know who the beast is.
(Ness makes a scary face)
Paula: Ya never know.
Gecko: n..nn.no. Ii...ii.iits nnnot G..iiy....ga.s. Dimm..mmensi.a time hhhas g.ot.tten to m.eee. Th.e for...ce be..hin..d Dim..en..sia.. is...
(Gecko is comepletely frozen)
Ness: Well it figures.
Paula: Theres only one way to find out who it is!
Poo: Lets go!!
Jeff: Yeah, lets!!!