Haunted EB Part 4 (The Final)
By Darth Belch
Master Belch: Hahahahahaha we meet again Ness.

Ness: Aw geez, not another ghost!

(Ness yawns and casts Psi Rockin D but it is absorbed by Master Belch

MB: Hahahahah, im not a ghost. Giygas sent me here to destroy you. Im
gonna tel you somethings you didnt know! Giygas is the king of a race of
aliens called the Giygans. His cheif scientist invented a machine that
lets anybody learn PSI Powers!

Ness: So,

MB: So that means i have more power than you think!

(MB cast PSI Armageddon B and nearly kills them)

Ness: Ugh..you....PS...I...Power.s....I ..never new you ..had

(MB uses a special force to lift Ness and a knife appears.)

MB: You die first.

(MB uses telekenisis to throw the knife but Poo comes up the stairs and
kicks the knife out of motion)

Poo: Hey guys. Hi Belch how ya doin bro??

MB: Im doin fine just trying to......HEY!

(MB gets furious, and Ness casts Life-Up D)

MB: Get ready for battle!!!

Paula: Im glad i broght my stuff!

(Paula pulls out the Jar of Fly Honey and gives it to MB, but he throws
it out the window)

MB: Sorry, i fell for it once and in not falling for it again!

(MB attacks by throwing the Jar of Fly Honey (via telekinesis) and hits
Ness in the head.)

Ness: Um...ouch!

(Ness uses Slime D, Paula uses Freeze D, Jeff fires the Gaia Beam, and
Poo uses Starstorm D)

MB: Ahh, you are stronger than last time we met.

(MB uses PSI Cyclone and knocks all 4 into the wall)

MB: Ha Ha!

Paula: Ha Ha this..my new PSI power...

(Paula casts Hurricane D)

MB: ARG!! Come forth servants! Electro Specter!!!!!

(A ghost of Electro Specter (GES) appears)

GES: Eliminate Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo!

(GES casts PSI Thunder but it only hits Poo. GES dissapears.)

MB: Thunder and Storm!

(Ghost of Thunder and Storm (GTS) appears)

GTS: Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo, you killed me before, but now i will
kill you!!

(GTS casts Flash D, then dissapears.)

MB: Now my turn.

(MB casts PSI Armageddon D and almost kills them again)


(A buzzing sound is heard and The ghost of Buzz Buzz (GBB) appears)

GBB: You touch them and you get hurt!

(MB knocks out Jeff)

GBB: You asked for it!

(GBB casts PSI Ultima)


(MB dies and dissapears)

GBB: Hi guys. I must go!

Ness: Wait Buzz....

(GBB dissapears)

Ness: Aw well lets go, we still have plenty of time to go trick or

(They leave the house and go tick or treating.)

Jeff: Guys, observe this!

(Jeff points up in the sky and shows them a cloud....a cloud in the
shape of Giygas and Giygas appears in front of them)

Giygas: You weak pathetic fools!!!

(Giygas dissapears)

Ness: Aww man, i feel another quest coming on!


<end of part 4>
<end of series>