A Dark Ness story The year is 199X... Somewhere unknown, somewhere vast... Poo, believing that he could defeat Giygue, used Psi Starstorm Delta, the newest level available to him. However, since he did not fully complete his training, Poo failed to bring out the full potential of his attack. Poo then gave up, realizing that he was still a immature child who insisted on his way, in this case, quitting training early. Giygue shot a Psi Beam attack, but Ness dodged in front of Poo before it struck. Ness is now dead. Shortly afterwards, Giygue drained all of the Psi out of Poo, and realized all of his powers. Flying off to find the one he calls Ninten, Poo is left without Psi...and Ness. But what of Paula and Jeff? Are they done training themselves? Or are they... We now see a vast island covered in fog, where Jeff has been training all this time with the one who calls himself "Moonside Man". Jeff: (clenching fist) Uuurrraaagh! Jeff then threw a punch at a stone wall in front of him. Amazingly, the stone wall shattered. Jeff: Whew! All this spirit training has paid off! Moonside Man: Yes, Jeff. You have studied well how the human soul can modify one's abilities, in the absence of Psi. Jeff: I guess if Ness knew Spirit power, he'd be unstoppable! Moonside Man: Yes...but he is dead. Jeff: WHAT?! How...how can he be? He was stronger than all of us... Moonside Man: Jeff. You have completed your training...however, this has all been a dream. Jeff: Then...how did I...you... Moonside Man: Moonside was a dream too. That is how I was able to teach you. Jeff: But I... Moonside Man: When you wake up, all of your Spirit in your real life will be much more powerful. You will even discover that you can teleport... Jeff: Well, how do I wake... As Jeff, this whole time, laying on the floor on the Dalaam Palace floor, wakes up... Jeff: Up? Jeff looks around him, realizing that he fell unconscious when he tripped in the throne room, and furthermore blacked out. Jeff: Wow...(looks at his hands) I still have that radical power...Hold on Ness! I'm coming! And with that vow, Jeff Teleported off to Fourside, still believing Ness was alive. Back at Fourside, Poo is laying on the cold, asphalt street, completely weak. Poo: Urh...man, I...urh! I can't believe this...Ness... As Poo turns his head to the now deceased Ness, he notices the frozen emotion of panic and sorrow on Ness's face. He also notices that his eyes are moist. Poo: In the name of Mu... In a blinding flash of light, Jeff appears. Poo: Jeff... Jeff: Poo! What happened here? Poo: Well... Poo explained everything to Jeff...the birth of Giygue, Ness's death, and his noticeable lack of Psi. Jeff: We have to stop this monster! Poo: Urgh... but how...Ness is dead! Jeff: Relax. I'll take him to my dad...and you too. Poo: Do you... Jeff: He may be able to whip up something that will help your Psi. Poo: (Picking up Ness) Okay...I'm ready. And with that, they Teleported off. We join Giygue, who is now in Threed. Giygue: I'll ask you people one more time...where is Ninten? A mysterious man walks up to Giygue. This man is old and feeble. Mystery Man: I...I am Ninten. Giygue: At last...my revenge will be complete! Ninten: Do what you want with me...just don't harm the others people of Threed... Giygue: For a price. Ninten: (cough) please, Giegue, I'm so old...I can't fight you... Giygue: I'm not Giegue anymore. My name is Giygue. And tell me...where are Ana, Loid, and Teddy? While Jeff and Poo race to Dr. Andonut's laboratory, Giygue causes terror in Threed! What fiendish plot does Giygue have in fate for the Mother group? To be continued...