A Dark Ness story The year is 199X... Fourside, a busy, smelly town... Ness and Poo watch in horror as Giygue, the fusion of Giygas and Giegue, destroy Fourside and its populous citizens. As they watch this carnage, they know that no past training of theirs can destroy this monster... However, there is hope... Paula has gone to train somewhere and bolster up her PSI skill, perhaps reaching a Delta level as Poo has reached in his Starstorm training... Jeff is learning the ancient art or 'Spirit Technique' and is learning it from an man from Moonside, or so he claims to be... Can Paula and Jeff really become skilled enough to take down Giygue? And what will become of Ness and Poo? Ness: Crud...this doesn't look good... Poo: I know what you mean. Still...who is this Ninten that he speaks of? Ness: Beats me. Giygue: Silence. You two shall tell me where Ninten is now. Poo: (cooly) We have no idea who you're talking about. Ness: Yeah... Giygue: Foolish mortals. You shall die for your sins, and burn in...uh, heaven! Ness: Dude! You don't burn in heaven! Poo: Enough small talk! Now's the time to put my Mu training to the test! PSI STARSTORM DELTA! Poo starts concentrating with his body and mind, and forms it into a star, tosses it upward to the sky, and causes it to explode, causing a chain reaction to other stars. Ness: Yes! Yes! Burn, baby, burn! Poo: (exhausted) pant, puff...ugh... Psi Starstorm Delta faded away, and all that was left to attack Giygue was a measly spark, which he dodged. Poo: Man...what happened...(flashback) Star Master: Poo! To successfully complete your training, you must put every ounce of your spirit into this attack...you will train hard for days. Meager food, hard setbacks, and sacrifice will be required...do you understand? Later... Poo: I must leave now! Master: No!(flashback ends) Poo: Darn it...I...I didn't obey my master... Giygue: Weak human. You are a disgrace to see me in my true body... Poo: I...I'm still a kid...I haven't matured a bit, and this lead to this... Ness: Poo... Poo: I accept my defeat. You may kill me. Ness: Poo! Have you snapped!? No! Giygue: As you wish... Ness: No! Giygue blasts an ancient Psi skill called Psi Beam...it was the last thing Ness heard, as he jumped in the way of Poo's death wish. Poo: NESS! NO! Ness: Poo...gah-urghhah! Ness slumped over, dead. Poo: NEEESSS! Giygue: Darn. I missed. Poo: Ness...why...WHY?! Giygue: I feel a disturbed power in your body...ha...I guess I won't kill you. Poo: Wh-What? Giygue: Giygas craved for power, and he craves for your power now! Poo: Oh GEEZ! Giygue: (draining Poo) Hahaha...yes...YES! More...more power! Poo: No...ugh... Giygue, after draining Poo of all his Psi, drops Poo to the ground...still alive, but unable to use Psi. Poo: No! Hey! Hey come back! Giygue: No. I will find Ninten, and he will pay for what he did... Poo: This...this is all my fault...(watches Giygue fly away) It...was...my...fault... To be continued...