Earthbound 2


Chapter 4: Good Bye Chara…


By: Danboy

Author’s note: Hello, Danboy here… say, did you read the last chapter? If not you’ll probably like the new “Last Chapter…” and “Next Time…” sections in the next chapter… if you missed the key in the last chapter here…

(): whispering

[]: dream speech

{}: mind speech

{{}}: mind speech to a group

**: actions or sounds

<>: thought

…: pause

--: interruption or cut to another scene

ALL CAPS: yelling

Location in general, Location more specific, Location most specific: Time A.M. or P.M., day, date month and day, year

I’M NOT SHOWING IT AGAIN so write it down… or something. I used some stats from the game too. If you like my story OR JUST READ IT AT ALL, PLEEEEEASE e-mail me. I’m a little lonely… if you mail me, with the name you’d like to be called, I will add you to the list bellow…




Well… *scratches head* there isn’t any one on it now, but I hope I can get some on there… enjoy my fanfic and send your comments and I’ll be sure to put your name on that list. I usually send on… Saturdays in the next week or two… or three(depending on how often I get written), so enjoy this thing.


Eagleland, Onett, Match Pizza: 12:11 P.M., Saturday, June 5, 200X


Ness: So, guys, do you think I should fill Frank in on all this?

Frank: Hi, I’m back… uh… where’d Bozz go?

Jeff: Yep… I think you should now…

Frank: You think he should what?

Ness: I have some thing to tell you at my place, Frank… but first do you believe I have “special powers”?

Frank: No…

Ness: *sigh* <This is going to be tough…>


Cave of the Past, Chamber of the Apple of Enlightenment: 8:21 A.M., Jan. 8, 2X


Bizz-bizz: So, you say that there are planets… beyond ours…

Apple of Enlightenment: EXACTLY!

Bizz-bizz: Now why were you called the Apple of Enlightenment?

Apple of Enlightenment: It’s just an analogy, people from the future gave it to me, people like your father, but my real name is Damon the wise… you can call me Damon. The One told me to stay here, and provide info for any one who comes this way, and he was the first person/deity I saw.


Bozz-bozz: Hi…

Change b

Bozz-bozz: Did I miss any thing from--

Damon: Call me “Damon” from now on, now sit and be marry so I can tell you many interesting things… now The One told me, “Stay here… for that is your purpose.”

Bozz-bozz: So, who is The One?

Damon: The all-powerful over-seer who created us all. He also gave me these…

Bozz-bozz received Powerful Fruit

Damon: And here is one for you…

Bizz-bizz received Powerful Fruit

Damon: He told me that I should keep them till I knew what their purpose was… I think that purpose is, to give them to some people who are friends from another land…

Bozz-bozz: Like… us?

Damon: Yes, you can eat them… because The One told me that who ever ate of it will be changed for the better, and will become more powerful in all aspects.

Bizz-bizz: So… can we?

Damon: YES, YES! He trusted me with this wisdom, and He trusts you with this… so eat.


Bozz-bozz: It’s delicious!

Bizz-bizz: *lip smack* Yah… are you starting to feel… different?

Bozz-bozz: Like your being transformed…

Bizz-bizz: That’s it!

Bozz-bozz: Yes, I feel it too.


Bozz-bozz: I feel great!

Bozz-bozz realized Change g

Bizz-bizz: Me too…

Bizz-bizz realized PSI Time-warp W

Damon: You have been transformed into a person much like myself, only in strength and not I.Q…


Eagleland, Onett, Ness’ House: 1:45 P.M., Saturday, June 5, 200X


Frank: WHAT? You’re telling me your all psychic!

Jeff: Not all of us, just most… I’m not… I’m just super smart, and the drooling wonder here…

Pokey: Hi!

Jeff: We don’t know…

Frank: O.K. so, the strange happenings last year… were all because of this dude named Giygas?

Ness: Not really it was due to his broken-down clone…

Frank: And you have to battle the original, now?

Ness: Yes…

Paula, Jeff, and Poo: AGAIN!

Ness: Yup… now if we’re going to get any-where, we will have to consult the old guy… <what’s his name…> Tali Rama--

Jeff: You mean the guy in that monkey cave in the desert?

Ness: The same… so let’s go… Poo, will you do the honors?

PSI Teleport S


Eagleland, Dusty Dunes Desert, Drug Store: 2:46 P.M., Saturday, June 5, 200X


Manager: I’ll give you… $20 for that Gold Bracelet…

Customer: NO DEAL! Look, I paid a whopping $2799 for it… I expected $1400 from it to get the Crystal Charm and some Bananas!

Manager: Sorry.

Customer: Look, I’m a guy you can trust… (my gal wants that thing, and I’m hungry for some fruit so I need this…)


Customer: WHAT THE… Who is that…


Ness: Hey, Sam, what do you have today?

Manager(Sam): Just a second, Ness… I’ll give you the money and the charm FOR free O.K… because there’s a celebrity here now…



Sam: So, what can I do for you?

Ness: Do you have any “items of war” like bats and frying pans for my friends and I today?

Sam: Sure… so you’ve got a larger group today, huh… they heard they could get a discount if you come, right? *laughter*

Ness: No… not exactly, but I’d love that discount…

Sam: O.K. *rustle* here’s a list of the things…




Steel Bat-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$640

Used Golf Club---------------------------------------------------------------------------------$20

Wonder Frying Pan-----------------------------------------------------------------------------$190

Yo-yo(/w six-foot string)/AKA Long Yo-yo-------------------------------------------------------$90

Baseball Helmet--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$50

BATTLE PACKAGE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------$2040

(Battle Helmet, Battle Brest Plate, Battle Boots, and Battle Badge)

Kamikaze Robot--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$930

10 Special Herbs(Heals: Cold, Poison, Nausea, and Numbness)------------------------------------$10

Expanding Backpack in Yellow, Green, Pink, or Black(Makes groups for up to 5 of the same item)-$50

6 Bananas--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$10

Crystal Charm---------------------------------------------------------------------------------$600


Ness: Hmmm… I’ll take a Steel Bat, a Baseball Helmet, a Long Yo-yo, an Expanding Backpack in Yellow, and some Special Herbs…

Sam: Here you go… *rustle* it’ll be $840 please… *cha-ching*

Ness has $289,004,543 left

Paula: I’ll take… a Wonder Frying Pan and an Expanding Backpack in Pink.

Sam: That will be $240 please… *cha-ching*

Paula has $20 left

Jeff: I’ll have 6 Kamikaze Robots… OOH and that Green Backpack…

Sam: That’s $5,630 please… *cha-ching*

Jeff has $1,000 left

Sam: And what about you little girl…

Chara: I’ll take 5 BATTLE PACKAGES and 6 Bananas, and I am not little…

Sam: O… K… that’ll be $10210… *cha-ching*

Chara has no money left

Chara: Well here is your armor kids… *rustle* I am taking my leave… good luck…

Ness: Why are you leaving us, Chara?

Chara: I must leave you to your journey… we will meat again… young ones…

PSI Time Warp W

Jeff: She left for her own time, Ness, so she won’t alter the future…

Sam: Who was she?

Ness: Sam, she is an old lady from the future…

Sam: *laugh* that is a good one Ness…

Ness: Yah… right… well see yah latter.

Sam: Bye…



Scaraba, Chara’s house: September 10, 423X



Chara: Home sweet home… who am I kidding… *sigh*

Change W

Chara: Why didn’t I tell her… Bozz-bozz, your mother is still alive… Bezz-bezz is still alive… I am… still here… *weep*

Cat: *meow*

Bezz-bezz: Oh, hello, Cass… *sniffle*

Cass: *meow*?

Bezz-bezz: You’re hungry? Well… here you are…

Cass: *purr*


Eagleland, Dusty Dunes Desert, Monkey Cave: 3:15 P.M., Saturday, June 5, 200X


Monkey: UKE EEP{{NESS! You’re back… WELCOME!}}

Ness: Yes, where is your master?

Monkey: {{I’ll take you to him.}}


Tali Rama: Ah, Ness my boy, I have been awaiting your arrival… sit, sit…


(to be continued)


Danboy: HOLD IT! I just want to say a word on… PSI power-levels: *clears throat* O.K., the Greek text (a-W) is a way of telling how powerful the PSI power is… this system covers many variations of powers(usually 4 of them)… if you wish to know more about it, PLEASE e-mail me, and I will send you response… thank you.