EB Rewrite Part 11: The Next, uh, thingy...

(Ness and co are standing around in a large puddle next to the Saturn Hot Springs)

Paula: Who’s stupid idea was it to jump in while wearing our only clothes?

Ness and Exit Mouse: (pointing to Jeff) It was him!

Jeff: I can dry us off with THE FLAMETHROWER I JUST INVENTED!!!!!!

Paula: (smacks Jeff with her fry pan)

Exit Mouse: We need to get back to Threed and see if beating Belch got rid of the zombies.

Ness: But, the zombie paper got rid of them awhile ago.

Paula: Apparently it wasn’t completely effective since we fought zombies again.

Jeff: Then what the heck was it for?

Ness: I... GAH! (falls to the ground, convulsing wildly)

Paula: (rolls her eyes) Oh great, Ness is homesick again. I’m not talkin to his mom again!

Ness: I’m not homesick! (pulls the psychotically vibrating Sound Stone out of his backpack) It’s the Sound Stone!

Exit Mouse: There must be a sanctuary nearby!

Jeff: Ooh, vibrating!

Ness: (puts the Sound Stone on the ground) Go find the sanctuary, go find it boy!

Sound Stone: (vibrates away and into a nearby cave)

Ness: After it! (they run into the cave)

Ranboob: Growl!

Struttin Evil Mushroom: (Struts evilly)

Tough Mobile Sprout: (hops up and down)

Exit Mouse: (dives into Ness’ backpack) I think I need something to eat!

Ness: Holy carp! What the heck are these things, Jeff?

Jeff: (pulls a laptop computer from out of nowhere) That big one is Ranboobmon. His crushing leaf attack will send you screaming from the garden!

Paula: What the heck are you talking about!? What garden!?

Ness: Can a leaf really be crushing?

Struttin’ Evil Mushroom: (blasts some spores into Jeff’s face)

Jeff: Hey, stop it! (is mushroomized) I mean...please continue.

Ness: (beats the tough mobile sprout into the ground with his bat) Die!

Paula: (blasts the mushroom away from Jeff with PSI Fire) These guys are pushovers.

Ranboob: (whacks Paula with his leaf stick)

Paula: (flies into a wall)

Ness: I guess it’s up to me to beat ‘em with my ULTIMATE SSB FIGHTING SKILLS!!!! (leaps at the ranboob)

Ranboob: (puts up his shield and rolls behind Ness)

Ness: What the...? (is thwacked)

Jeff: (swaying back and forth) I’ll beat...it...with my bottle...thingy...rocket... (fires a big bottle rocket at Ness and Paula and then passes out)

Ness and Paula: Aw crap... (are blown out of the cave)

Mr. Saturn: (ducks as Ness and Paula hurtle out of the cave and crash into the valley below) DOING?

(a few hours later)

Ness: (wakes up) Where is we?

Paula: (wakes up) Whoa, déjà vu!

Dr. Saturn: I fix your body!

Exit Mouse: (munching a peanut cheese bar) You guys are in the Saturn Hospital.

Ness: How’d we get back to the hospital?

Dr. Saturn: All was happy, happy, DOING! Then you come in through, roof! Crash! Boom! Bang!

Paula: (kicks Jeff who is still lying on the floor) How’d stupid-head get here?

Jeff: (wakes up) Ouch, cut me some slack, ok? I was mushroomized, poisoned, and then turned into a ghost before I could get back here!

Ness: We have to get through that cave! The Sound Stone could have already reached the melody by now!

Paula: (as they climb up to the top of the valley again) Maybe it’ll come back on its own?

Exit Mouse: We can’t assume that plot hole will happen, we need to make it ourselves!

Ness: (charges into the cave) YAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! (smacks a ranboob in the face with his bat)

Ranboob: GROWL! (smacks Ness with his leaf stick)

Paula: (vaporizes a row of mushrooms with PSI Fire B) We’ve just gotta blast through ‘em!

Jeff: This looks like a job for...THE HP SUCKER!!!!! (pulls it out of his pocket)

Ranboob: (puts its shield up) Hee.

Ness: (whacking the shield of light) I’ll break through sooner or later, you stupid pineapple monster!!!

Ranboob: Grrr. (rolls with its shield behind Ness)

Ness: (flips his combat yo-yo backwards, flinging the ranboob into the wall) Boo yeah!

Ranboob: Gwargh. (is tamed)

Exit Mouse: (rips the leaves off of a tough mobile sprout) I see the exit over there! (points over there)

Paula: (blasts a few more mushrooms and sprouts out of the way) Coming, Exit!

Jeff: MUA HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! The HP sucker sucked over 30 HP!!!!!!!

Ness: (as they run out of the cave) Yeah, but Jeff, you LOST over 100 HP while trying to suck HP from them!

Exit Mouse: (hands some peanut cheese bars to each of them as they rest outside the cave) Food time!

Paula: (looking back in the cave) Hey guys, (munch) ever notice how (munch) the monsters never follow (munch) us out of caves and attack us? (munch)

Ness: (munch) Yeah, (munch) weird.

All: (stare blankly and nod)

Struttin Evil Mushroom: (wanders over and kicks Jeff)

Jeff: Y U! (blows him into pieces with his air gun) Hey, I wonder if these mushroom parts are good to eat?

Exit Mouse: (smacks him) We already tried, don’t do it.

Jeff: OW! Okay, okay!

Ness: (smacks him) We SAID no!

Jeff: I’m not eating it, ok? I understand!

Paula: (munching a piece of mushroom) Hey, these aren’t that bad.

Exit Mouse: (sigh) I’ll break out the secret herbs...

(A few accidental explosions later)

Ness: Ok, we’re all, uh, rested, so let’s get going again!

Jeff: Charge! (they run off into the new valley)

Paula: (whacks a mushroom with her fry pan) Eat death!

Ness: (advances on a ranboob) Prepare to fight, pineapple monster!

Ranboob: (twirls its leaf stick) Growl.

Ness: (smacks the ranboob in the head with his bat)

Ranboob: (thwacks Ness with his leaf stick)

Ness: Oh yeah? (powers up his Shield of Light)

Ranboob: Grrr. (powers up his Shield too)

Ness: Bring it on! (powers up to Shield Beta)

Ranboob: (powers up his shield to Shield Sigma)

Ness: Hey, you can’t do that!

Ranboob: Nyah nyah nyah!

Ness: (sighs) Fine then, have it your way. (blasts the Ranboob with PSI Rockin Beta)

Ranboob: (explodes)

Exit Mouse: (karate kicks a mobile sprout into sprigs of parsley) Hey, we’re almost to another cave.

Jeff: (blasts a few tough mobile sprouts) Right with ya, Exit.

Paula: (smacks a ranboob with her fry pan as Ness, Jeff, and Exit dive into the cave) Hey, don’t leave me behind, jerks! (dives in after them)

Enemies outside: Awwww... (wander off)

Ness: I hope we find the sound stone soon.

Exit Mouse: Don’t worry, Ness, the third sanctuary is close by. I can sense its POWER!!!!

Jeff: (sticks a few random parts together) I just made a laser gun. MUA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

Paula: (blowing smoke off her hands) Whew, can we take a break first?

Magic Butterfly: (lands on Ness’ head)

Ness: What the heck?

Magic Butterfly: (emits waves of pure happiness)

Ness: I feel...relaxed...(falls asleep, and then to the floor)

Paula: Mind...feeling...happy.

Jeff: A new sensation, huh?

Paula: (smacks Jeff)

Magic Butterfly: (disappears for some reason)

Ness: (wakes up) Ow, I went face first into a present box.

Exit Mouse: What’s inside?

Ness: The coin of SLUMBAR! It’s all mine!

Jeff: (admiring his new laser gun) Can we go yet? I wanna shoot something with my new laser gun.

Ness: Fine. (they walk over to the third sanctuary) Happy now?

Jeff: YES.

Trillionage Sprout: This is the etc. I, am Trillionage Sprout.

Ness: Wow, you must be like a million years old!

Jeff: Prepare to die, weed!

Paula: Can I set him on fire? Pleeeze?

Trillionage Sprout: Whoa, hang on a second, ok? Who says we have to fight?

Ness: The plot, dangit!

Trillionage Sprout: (innocently) You’ve come such a loooooooong way, why not have something to eat before we battle, then? (a tough mobile sprout shows up with a tray full of silver candies) Have some Gushers!

Exit Mouse: Food? (grabs one)

Jeff: YES! (grabs a Gusher)

Paula: You morons! You can’t trust him, he’s a BAD GUY!

Ness: Stop worrying, Paula. (eats one) See? I’m perfectly...(his head turns into a diamond and he falls over)

Jeff: Gasp! The commercials are true!

Paula: Holy crap, Ness has been diamondized!

Trillionage Sprout: Mua hahahaha!!! Get them my minions!

Tough Mobile Sprouts: (leap at Jeff)

Jeff: AHHHHH!!!!!! (blasts them with the Laser Gun)

Exit Mouse: (bashes the sprout holding the tray of Gushers with a croissant) Food hurts, dangit!

Paula: (rummaging through Ness’ pockets) Take ‘em out, guys, I gotta find something.

Trillionage Sprout: Get over here and die! (starts inching towards Jeff)

Jeff: Crap, it’s MOVING! (starts firing madly at the Trillionage Sprout)

Paula: I FOUND IT! (holds up the remote control she took from Ness’ pocket) Now I’m the leader!

Exit Mouse: No, Paula! You have no possible idea what power you toy with!!!!!

Paula: (points the remote at Jeff and presses a button) Hey, Jeff, auto battle!!!

Jeff: (getting beaten by the Trillionage Sprout) Must...use...HP sucker!!!! (keeps firing his laser gun)

Paula: Tee hee hee, this is great!

Exit Mouse: Give me that! (points it at Jeff and presses the B button)

Jeff: YES! (is bitten by Trillionage Sprout) OW! (blasts the sprout with the HP Sucker)

Exit Mouse: Dangit, Paula, you can’t have the remote!

Paula: FINE! (blasts Trillionage Sprout with PSI Fire B) We might as well revive Ness, then.

Jeff: (blasts Trillionage Sprout with the Counter-PSI Unit)

Trillionage Sprout: Gah, can’t concentrate! What the heck? I’M ON FIRE!!!!!! (is horribly and brutally tamed)

Paula: Yay.

Jeff: W00t!

Exit Mouse: (drags Ness into the Milky Well sanctuary)

Sound Stone: (bouncing up and down next to the Milky Well)

Ness: (is revived) What the heck happened?

Paula: Stuff.

Ness: (puts the Sound Stone back in his back pack) I got the third melody, yeah! (does the victory/peace sign)

Jeff: Hey, you didn’t do anything!

Exit Mouse: (sips the Milky Well) Yummy.

(they all walk back to Saturn Valley)

Mr. Saturn: (as they leave the cave) Drink coffee before go? Say yes to me? Say no to me?

Ness: Uh...

Mr. Saturn: Why you say uh...? DRINK!

Ness: We gotta go... (they run down to the entrance to Saturn Valley)

Paula: Bye Mr. Saturns!

Mr. Saturns: DOING!

Jeff: Bye Dr. Saturn!

Dr. Saturn: Come back and I fix your body!

Exit Mouse: Bye Mad Duck!

Mad Duck: QUACK!

Ness: Okay, let’s get back to Threed.

(they arrive back at Threed)

Jeff: That seemed quicker than last time.

Paula: That’s cuz we didn’t have to drag an overly drunken caffeinated Ness along with us this time.

People: Yay, you saved us!

Dude: All righty!

Ness: Let’s go get a bus to Fourside.

Paula: Why?

Ness: Dangit, why not? (they go get on a bus)

Jeff: Yay, let’s go do stuff in Fourside.

(after heading through a few tunnels, the bus comes to a stop in the middle of the Dusty Dunes Desert Road)

Exit Mouse: Dang, it looks like a huge traffic jam.

Bus Driver: END OF THE LINE!!!!!!! (kicks them off the bus and drives off) MUA HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

Paula: Well, it looks like we’ll have to trek through the desert to make it across to Fourside.

Jeff: Yep.

Ness: (points to a sign that says "Drugs") Let’s go buy some stuff before we walk through the desert!

Jeff: There are jokes here, but I think we should ignore them.

Paula: (staring blankly) Yes...I agree.

(they walk into the drugstore)

Holy crap, a desert trek? How will our heroes survive the merciless heat? And what about Fourside, why the heck are they going there? No one knows, not even me. So check out next week’s installment of EB Rewrite!