The War of the Omens: #2: EarthBound Stars
Prolouge, Part 1: They've Arrived...

Legal Stuff[blah blah...]: There really is none... except certain characters are copyrights of certain companys... blah blah... yawn. You get the picture.

Disclaimer: I am rewriting Stars, since I've decided to use a detail system more like Erico's[look for his stories in the Mega Man section of], and using it on the older version of Stars would make it seem all out of place, besides, I wanted to tone down a few more things anyways, and some bits of the plot and a few of the characters from the original version will be gone, mostly since I had too many people at once, and it was hard to keep track of them all. I've cut out about 13 characters not really that necessary to the story, but there are still a lot of characters in this, despite the cut in the number.

Also, this is a seperate dimension, or an AU of many games, plus some people in real life, and the real world as well, so if you're wondering why you see DKC characters in EarthBound, or something else like Real People in Hexen, etc, that's why. Also, this following info is very important to remember: Since the WOTO universe is an AU, the pasts of the chosen four are somewhat different from what they probably are in the original, but not drastically different, but let's just say most of them had fighting experience since before their adventure as a group.

Worlds away from the planet of Earth, two cackling menaces have just been resurrected onto our plane of existance. An evil sorceror known as Praevus had traveled to a large world in a nearby galaxy, intent on reviving 3 of the most dangerous beings to ever roam the galaxy. These 3 desolate beings were called the Serpent Riders, and their reign of terror was known on at least 3 major worlds, possibly more. The three beings were actually brothers. 

The youngest and the weakest of the three had been identified as "D'Sparil". None knew what his name meant in reality, but his evil presence was located on a somewhat young, yet flourishing planet known as Parthoris. When D'Sparil arrived, 5 other races, The Sidhe, Ssithra, T'Chekrik, Ogle and Caurthorians were settling into roles, appearently chosen as destiny by the god-like race of their world, the Seraphs. D'Sparil opened World Ripples, a kind of instantaneous mobile portal to put it bluntly, and entered the cities of Silverspring, Andoria, K'Chekrik, S'Chekrik, Vendra, Savria, Thurge and Biskol, and in one day, all but Silverspring had been enslaved by his powers. The Celestial Watcher of Silverspring had seen a pattern in the stars, thus warning the Sidhe, who lived in Silverspring, of the impending doom. Many fled into the Darkmire Swamps and the Kell Mountains. Over time, the other four races subverted by D'Sparil freely chose him as the rightful ruler of their world.
However D'Sparil's reign was short lived. Not realizing just how dangerous the remaining Sidhe were to him, one took it as his role to be the antidote to D'Sparil's poison. He quickly took his rage, and the that of the other Sidhe, and used it to fight against the minions of D'Sparil. The traveling Sidhe was dubbed as "The Heretic" by others, as he openly defied D'Sparil's power. His travels to D'Sparil's underwater domed city uncovered many stolen artifacts, as well as caches of the Seraph's lost magic. With all this stuff, the elf confronted D'Sparil on his personal arena, and was able to finally overcome the Serpent Rider and with that, his saga ended.

The second of the riders was identifed as Korax, the most corrupted of the three brothers. His presence was found on the world of Cronos, were humans similar to that on Earth itself flourished as the mighty race. The population was divided to 3 sections, the Church, the Legion, and the Arcanum, which were the three major societies of Cronos. One single man ruled each society, thus the whole of Cronos was mastered by three men. Unfortunately, all three were easily corrupted by Korax's offer of "unlife", which means to be dead and alive at the same time, thus making one immortal in a sense. Korax instantly gained control of the entire world, and entombed the 3 leaders in their respective tombs, from which they assisted Korax in his rule over the world, alongside newly created warriors of Korax's, or creatures born from others on the world of Cronos. Korax's power was far greater than D'Sparil's, and the Sidhe didn't exist on Cronos, and it at first seemed Korax would succeed where his younger sibling failed.
But he too would soon meet his demise. Three heroes emerged, one from each of the 3 former societies. They were known as Baratus of the Legion, Parias of the Church, and Daedolon of the Arcanum. The three originally planned to work together to destroy Korax, but Korax had forseen this, and used his powers to seperate the three warriors. It was only after each individual hero defeated his former master in combat, they remet together at the Dark Crucible, the home to Korax on Cronos. They confronted the malevolent Korax together and fought valiently, and in the end, the newly found skills they had mastered has allowed them to topple the terrifying Korax over like a unbalanced building. It is said from the perspective of a former surviving minion of Korax's, that Korax had actually committed suicide at the very end of his life, knowing he'd die, but he wouldn't say exactly why. It is unknown how Korax actually died.

The third, and the most powerful of the riders was known as Eidolon. Where Korax was at least 20 times stronger then D'Sparil, Eidolon was approximately the same amount of times stronger than Korax was. His presence was on the world of Thyrion, where they had known of the Serpent Riders, although many dismissed the tales as stories told to unruly children, or myths. It was never fully known just how wrong they were. Eidolon, unlike his other brothers, who used deception and trickery to take over the planet, actually used brute force to take over the world of Thyrion. The night before his true attack, a rain of fire came down and scorched the world of Thryion, leaving the surviving people scattered and demoralized, and ended it with his true attack, his army of Golems, which wrecked havoc on any creature that got in their way. Eidolon was also well-aware to the weaknesses of his younger siblings, and did the best he could to protect himself against similar weaknesses. Thryion had consisted of four major nations: Blackmarsh, Septimus, Mazaera and Thysis. Four generals were assigned to guard each individual continent, which were revealed to be the great Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. None knew exactly how Eidolon was able to presuade them into helping, but they were to be feared.
Again, Eidolon also fell, and from a combined assault of four heroes of that world, each making home in one of the four continents. In little time, all four built up great experience and learned powerful magic and techinques and met in Blackmarsh, were Eidolon's lair had been discovered to persist. The four warriors stormed Eidolon's lair, and the combined might of the four warriors was so much Eidolon wasn't even able to focus his attack on one of them alone, and he fell in a matter of a few minutes, finally ending the existence of the Serpent Riders.

Or so we thought...

Praevus had watched all the battles the Serpent Riders had been involved in, and watched as they all fell to the warriors of their respective worlds. Praevus noticed they were strong at the time, but their ultimate weakness was they they were separate instead of fighting their enemies as a trio, as he rightfully thought they should of. He decided to intervene and gathered the souls of the Serpent Riders and went to Thyrion, causing the rise of Tulku, a new Tibetian type continent on the world. Praevus worked hard and wide, while the heroes of Thyrion were alerted to the presence of Tulku, and made efforts to find out why a powerful winter had suddenly spread all over the entire world. However, Praevus had managed to successfully resurrect Korax and D'Sparil in his efforts. His intentional idea was for the riders to help him exact vegenance against a world that defyed him in the past. That world was actually the Earth itself. The thing was, he had no power available to revive Eidolon, and his brothers wanted him to return to the mortal plane. Praveus told them that the Earth contained extremely powerful magical properties within the core of the planet and that it'd be more than enough to revive Eidolon. Preavus asked Korax that the two brothers destroy the Earth if they wanted to also use its energies to revive Eidolon, and they appeared to agree. However, Korax was much trickier than even Preavus could remember, and the two riders turned on Praevus. Having exhausted about all his energies in reviving the two riders, Preavus could not fight back, and had to flee, regretting his mistake, while the two brothers flew off to Earth anyways, at least content on reviving Eidolon. We do not know yet if they intend to carry out Preavus's original request to destroy our planet or not yet. Little did Preavus know, his mistake would start the biggest chain of events in the history of our universe, called Omenisum...

It is here it all begins...