Psychokinesis Thesis Part 2 By Karkus (Aziz) Authors Statment- Sorry, I didn't post a sequel immediately... I thought it would turn out like my other ones. Extremely pointless, moronic, and having serveral anachronisms in the story. Such as Burger King, that is a very stupid anachronism. Anyway, I was going into the seventh grade when I wrote EarthBound II : The Story is Just Beginning. Now, I'm a sophomore in high school. I guess time has changed my creativity. Ok, I guess you might either be bored by now, or you'll just plain skip this section. Eh, I'll continue on with story! :) One more thing... what I feel about the tragedy that has befallen us this week, I feel that this faceless coward named Osama bin-Laden has speculated such an event that will cause us to go to war. My thoughts, condolences, and prayers go out to all the victims and people affected by this deplorable act of cowardice. Sorry for the inconvenience! (Later that night) Ness had thought about what he seen in Summers, Pokey looking for him. 'If he wants a rematch... fine, just bring it.' Was his final confirming thoughts about Pokey. He turned on the TV, fortunately WWF is on (Authors note - I know, I know... a stupid anachronism... but this is cool!) JR: Oh my God, not the 'Spin-a-roonie' Paul: The most electrifying move in sports entertainment!! JR: Well thats debatable... (Booker T does the 'Spin-a-roonie' then proceeds to win the match-up against The Big Show) Ness: Yeah! Booker T won! Can you dig that, sucka!? Jeff: Man Ness, shut up! I'm trying to sleep here... (*Ness turns off the TV*) Ness: Wait, don't go back to sleep Jeff, I just wanna tell you. We're goin' to fight Pokey. Jeff: (*Yawns*) Cool man, now please shut up and go to sleep! (-That Morning-) Ness: The reason I have gathered you all here is because I had that recurring dream again... Paula: You mean- Ness: Yeah, the Pokey Dream. Jeff (Still half asleep): Ness, wha' did you tngell meeh? Ness: Huh? Jeff: What did you tell me last night? Ness: Oh yeah about that too, I decided... we need to take that little mealy-mouthed punk named Pokey out, before he destroys the very delicate fabric that supports my cerebral corex. Poo: Ness, have you been sneaking into Jeffs stash (AN- it's not drug-related!) again? *snicker* Paula: *snicker* Jeff: Ness? Ness: Well, no- uh I mean... uh, shoot! I promise I won't do it again, I just wanna be smart! So I can take out Pokey mentally and phsyically. Paula: You know, that sounds like a good plan, but you know what? All: What? Paula: We need to get to Summers ASAP! Ness: Alright, lets move. So they gather their stuff and regroup, and continue on to Summers. They encounter no problems on the way there. Ness: Hmm, I can sense Pokey is around here somewhere, lets go into L'Hotel du Summers. (*They enter the elaborate hotel, only to be greeted by a snudy Bell Hop*) Bell Hop (In a fake French accent): Yes, and what shall I do for you on this very fine day? Poo: We want to know if you have seen a chubby blond-haired boy named Pokey BH (Cuts the accent): Uh, last I heard... he was headed for Toto, mentioning something about Ness. Are you Ness? Ness: Indeed, I am BH: You better watch out, because he muttered something about PSI Doom, I believe. Ness: 10-4 good buddy. Will do... Poo: Thank you sir, you have been a great help. (*They exit the hotel in the direction of Port Toto, but they make a detour to the Magic Cake Stand*) Paula: Now Ness, control yourself. We talked about this hon. Ness: I would like some Magic Cake please. Magic Cake Woman: Sure, that will be 22 dollars. (*Ness reaches into his wallet, only to discover that he forgot to stop at the ATM) Ness: Aw, I really was having a hankering for some. Oh well... Jeff (in a really fast, kind of a rush-rush way): Ok, now lets depart this domicile and head to Port Toto. MCW: Wait! Aren't you that one boy who made me realize that,(blah blah blah blah...) Stoic club? Ness: Huh, oh, yeah... I believe I am, I think. MCW: Oh, then it's on the house! Ness: Sweetness! Jeff, Paula, and Poo: Nooo! Don't bite that-- cake... Ness: Ha ha ha, too late. Mmmmm mmm mmm! Good! (*Ness proceeds to pass out...... then he wakes up as Pokey!*) Hmmm... this may get interesting! If you wanna find out whats happening in Pokeys perspective, stay tuned for Chapter 3!!! Post-thought This one may have sounded stupid, but I wanted this one to be short... trust me, the next one will be GOOD! You will not be disappointed. ®2001 BPI