E.B II -part 6

the Story Has Just Begun

(By aziz)

Then they saw something very familiar.... (Well with the original Four) It was a Mr Saturn!

"zoom! hi hi hi! i remember only four of you.... Boing! ness paula jeff and poo! how are all of you???"

Ness had a weird feeling.... that some power is upholding this room..... Then he took out that thingamajig that Apple Kid gave him, he had almost forgotten about it. Then he had a very familiar sensation that he had had on his last adventure. "Shh, be quiet because Apple Kid's gotta tell us something!" *Whirr*Click*Bleep* "Whew! I would thought that you would have never had made it there! Well you met two other members right? Well why don't you talk to the Mr.Saturn and he will have some very vital information! See ya!" *ClicK*Click* "OK Mr.Saturn, what have we got to do next?" Mark Had asked. Ness put the Thingy back in his backpack.

"listen up. what you all supossed to do is go through that invisible door and talk to gigiloni! Thats it! then you go to 'tubular rapids city,' its due northwest is all of you kay-o?"

"I guess!" Skye said. "Ok lets go!" Jeff said. Then Everybody looked at Jeff, he had not spoke for quite a while. Then they all followed Mr Saturn to the invisible doorway. Then they all proceeded through the Doorway and say a big muscular dude. He had said,"Hey I heard 5 kids were coming up here! are you guys those five kids?" Then Ness said,"Yeah, are you going to fight us?" Then Everybody looked at Ness and had an expression of an 'aww man' look on their faces. "No," the tall man said" let me introuduce my self- I am Max Gigaloni mayor of this town- I don't know how you kids got past the Big Blue Robot, but you guys are sure great!" Then Skye said,"We defeated it- did you feel like you were in a trance or something?" Gigaloni said,"I kept getting messages from this thing named Simias, it was saying like don't let Ness and his friends go to Tubular Rapids City. Or Try to fight them... messages like that!" " Yeah well we gotta go to T.R.C now!" Poo said. "Why don't you take my Jet?" Gigaloni asked. Jeff said,"No I have a Sky Runner... it can get you any where in the world in 2.0923 seconds. You see we are from Eagleland( Well not Mark and Skye ) it is very far away from here.... and we fight evil..... oh we had better be going! See ya!" "Bye!" Gigaloni said. Then a little bit later... they all were in the S.R II. They could all barely fit.... Jeff had no Idea that there were going to be 7 people coming in here. Then When they took off and left for Tublar Rapids City.... The Sr II was acting funny but performing fine.... When they got to TRC Something really wierd was going on...

End of chapter 6!