The Story Has Just Begun

( Part II)

Finally, they asked a Mr. T looking guy for some assistance, and he said, "I love Gigaloni. Who is he? He is our beloved mayor!" The man said.

"Well o.k. thanks alot! You have really helped us!" Poo had said facetiously.

Then everyone got curious, "This reminds me of Fourside, do you remember Paula?" Ness had asked.

"Yeah, and how everyone was saying, I love Monotoli and e-"

She was cut off by Ness saying, "POKEY!! I bet you a million dollars that Pokey is behind all of this crap!" And then all of the sudden, a big diesel came by, and then it stalled, and then it rammed into Ness. Ness had taken SEVERE damage, Poo had tried Lifeup Gamma on Ness. Then he felt a lot better. Then Ness tried Paralysis Alpha. Then the monster diesel truck had stalled in its tracks. Then Ness tried his special power Omega and then the truck stopped moving. Then Ness had felt weird after he had defeated the truck, he had realized a new power called PSI Super Special power (also named after his favorite thing) Alpha.

They kept wandering around the huge city until the heroes bumped into this fine looking girl, she looked a lot like Venus from Fourside.

"Could you help me? I am looking for tickets for the Runaway Five group." Then Ness spoke up.

"Sure, we are friends of the Runaway Five." Then the girl had a look of disbelief on her face. "If you are, then you guys must be the adventurers from Eagleland! Lets go, I am another chosen one, are you guys chosen ones?"

Everyone nodded, "Yes, we defeated Giygas." Ness said clearly.

Then her eyes lit up as big as Spaghettios®, "Really?" She asked.

"Yes!" Ness had said, and then Ness kind of got quirky and he told her all about the adventure in Eagleland, almost every detail, everyone had to scrunch in a couple of parts.

"Ok and then you defeated Giygas a couple of weeks ago, you must still have your super strong PSI powers, lets have a look." The girl said.

"Oh, let me introduce myself, I am Skye Bigglesworthy." Skye had said. Then Ness had showed her the strongest PSI power he had during his adventure, not Super Special alpha. He had showed her Special Omega on a tree.

"Whoa! That was cool, let me show you mine!" Then she showed him PSI Blue alpha. It had almost the same effects as Special Omega, except it was a litter weaker. When she used her power, a little blue dot went out on the front of her enemies and exploded.

( end of part two)