The Chase *-=Part I, Chapter I=-* By Anticloud (feel free to email me with your thoughts or whatever :) Introduction: This is my first fanfic of what I hope will be enjoyed. This takes place about a year after the defeat of Giygas. Everybody is home, and everything is peaceful, thanks to them. They've had their well-deserved rest. Just like last time, trouble is going to find them. Ness is in a strange dark land, one that he has never been to before. He picks of a branch, and with a quick spell of PSI Fire, there is light. He notices he is in a cave of some sort. Briefly, Ness hears some foot steps. "I'm not scared," he reassures himself, "I've saved the world from the greatest evil known to man-kind yet... It's probably just a few rats or something." Swiftly, somebody grabs him, and puts a nice cold sword to his neck. "Who is it?!", Ness cries out. He is answered with a soft laugh. Ness looks down at the sword, and notices the design. It's the Sword of Kings. The grip is released. "Poo, you scared the heck outta me." They stare at each other, slightly grinning. Paula and Jeff step out of the shadows, as well. "Guys! I've missed you so much! How has life been treating you?" said Ness. They all answered at the same time, "Fine" "Alright" "Well". "Great", Ness replied. "But..." he paused. He paused briefly to glimpse around the area again. There were ruins all around, it seemed vaguely familiar. "Where are we?" They blinked, and looked at him like he was the biggest idiot in the world. "You're kidding," said Paula. She stared at Ness, and could clearly see that he was dead serious. "We're in Onett". Ness almost choked. "Onett?! Onett!?" , he blurted out. He just couldn't believe it. "Um, Yeah," Paula simply replied. "Have you been eating trout yogurt again," Poo teased. Ness looked around again, and he saw something shimmering in the dirt. He picked it up and dusted it off. It was a token from the local arcade. "This can't be," he said aloud. His friends looked at him like he was crazy, and stepped back. "It just....can't be." He had tears in his eyes. "How did it happen?" They stared at each other, then at him. They huddled, without Ness. Ness could still hear them. "Should we tell him?" questioned Poo. "I just can't bear to talk about it now," answered Paula. "You're right, it's been too soon... What do you think, Jeff?" Jeff didn't answer. "Jeff? What should we do? You're the brains. Jeff? I know you're shy, but" - he suddenly stopped. Jeff whipped out a laser gun and pointed it at them. "You just don't know who to trust, do you? You're too gullible!" Ness, Paula and Poo freaked out. "Now, come on Jeff... put it down" Poo said, reaching for his sword. Jeff rested his finger on the trigger, aiming straight at Poo. "You idiot. I'm not Jeff. The Jeff you knew is gone. I am Giygas! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Poo quickly unsheathed his sword and swung at Jeff. Jeff, in milliseconds shot at Poo. The loud thunderous echo of the Sword of Kings being stricken by the laser gun echoed through out all of Onett. Poo was now only holding the handle. The Sword of Kings was destroyed. Jeff shot at Paula, as Poo quickly picked up the blade from the floor, and blocked the laser. Now, the sword was in thirds. Ness couldn't take it anymore. He ran at Jeff with his baseball bat and swung. Jeff quickly moved out of the way, and put the laser gun to Ness' head. It was a clear shot. Nothing was there to protect him. He pulled the trigger.