Magicant Written by Heavily Armored Hamster Sometimes the world is troublesome Sometimes the earth's too hard Sometimes giving up looks easiest Sometimes, I wish I was somewhere else I want to go to this place That exists only in my dreams I want to go to a place Made out of memories A central nexus Of all my friends Past and present And everyone I've ever loved Sometimes, I think As I whistle a certain melody Sometimes, I think I'd like to see my own Magicant Maybe even live there If the mood was right Think how great it would be To live inside of myself Unfortunately A little thing gets in the way Like the simple truth that Magicant isn't a Utopia Magicant houses all my emotions All my thoughts All my dreams Every single thing about me That's not limited To merely the positive I have a feeling There's a lake of negative A sea of nightmares That still plague my souls A sea of nightmares That I could never shake If I were to live Inside my own Magicant Someday the nightmare would arise And leave their swampy shores They'd come to the positive end And terrorize me I'd be confronted with What made me leave in the first place I'm not asking for a perfect world What if it was just a bit- A little bit more like Magicant? I know it seems impossible.. But, I can dream I can dream of happiness I can dream of Magicant I can dream and dream and dream