King Joined your Party Written by Heavily Armored Hamster Whenever I play that game I rejoice when the King joins me Always a little sad when he leaves The next day I try to wake him I give him a shove He just rolls over in response Says he doesn?t want to go outside I am of course quite heartbroken My favorite character abandoned me The dog I knew when he was a puppy The dog whom I grew up with My best friend in the world Is not to be my traveling companion When I'm out on my journey I'll pull out a photo Of my beloved King smiling I'll call up my mother Ask her to put him on the line Then I'll listen to him sniffle I bet if he was with me He'd growl and he'd bite Develop a PSI power or two Grow in level with battle Eventually become a world force He'd be the fifth chosen During conversations He'd make sarcastic remarks Play the role of comic relief It's not like the four us Talk to each other at all Except during big plot points I wish he'd go with me But indoors he'll stay Because he doesn?t want to go outside So I?ll write him letters Bring him things to smell Call him on the phone Wish that he was here