Pray To All Written by Naeroon People of Earth! Hear my plea! Listen to what I have to say! Lend us your power, lend us your strength! We will slay the mighty Giygas! We shall grow stronger and stronger, so strong that we will destroy him easily! Goodbye, Giygas! You shall perish! All you Mr. Saturns, All you Tendas, everyone we have met! Please, grant us your power this one time! He shall go down, he shall never rise again... One more time I call upon your power! Grant us your strength! Grant us your power! Grant us the ability to vanquish Giygas! Now! Send it to us! Make it flow through our veins! Let it be one with us! Let it be under our control! Goodbye Giygas! With the power of the Earth, you cannot stop us! Perish!