A tribute to j0hndeere Written by Ness The Skittleboy *piano interval* It's time to go It's time to say goodbye j0hndeere has lived and served us as the days go by But now fate has taken it's toll j0hndeere's fate is sealed j0hn's memory will live in our heart and soul and stay with us through our tears We pray that j0hn had a good life He was treated very well Everybody gave him great respect But the day came when he fell Some people messed with j0hn They messed with his AI His .info provided us with good laughs But now it's time to say goodbye *chorus* Goodbye J0hn... Goodbye J0hn... We enjoyed your service both day and night.. Even though we dont want to see you go.. We will always remember your great insight.. We were there to watch you grow *This in remembrance of j0hndeere,the faithful #earthbound bot that served us for so long. We will always remember you j0hn. Farewell*