MS1's Haiku Corner Written by Mysterious Submitter 1 Do you like EarthBound? Of course you do, don't you, punk? I sure like Earthbound You can come and see If Mr. Spoon lets you in A big fat rathead What is that girls name? Walkin down the street, so cool With her pink dress on I pity da foo That don't do da coo haiku Doo dee doo dee doo Bubble Monkey flies He is friends with the Tessie Give us a ride, please If you are Pokey Get out of my face, stupid You are a fat pig Haikus are so fun Five-Seven-Five for my eyes Wonderful Haiku At the polestar school I learn to spell my numbers 1 2 3 4 Y Me Mr. Saturn Boing! I can tell you all. Zoom! Mr. Saturn coin rocks It's almost as good as cheese That is pretty good