Ballad of EB64 by Xander Earthbound 64 Once was a dream of mine A vision of 3-d Earthboundy goodness, On Nintendo's newest system soon would shine. Greatly anticipated, Even more greatly delayed, But with hopes of soon release We would not be dismayed. One day, news comes, "It's been cancelled," Itoi says. Cancelled? Outrageous! How could this be? Dreams ended abruptly of EB64 dispensers of Pez. Petitions to sign, Itoi-san to e-mail But is it all in vain? Are our attempts to no avail? A glimmer of hope, Interviews say "Maybe." EB64 possible, Come to me, my baby! Future uncertain, Things aren't set in stone. Could this thing come to be? Or will Earthbound in the U.S. be alone?