Name of Ness Written by What This is a poem about Ness. Yes, the Ness that appeared in Earthbound AKA Mother 2 AKA the game after Mother AKA the game before Mother 3. Ness? Who in the world names their kid Ness? I'll admit that it has a nice ring to it, But while, if you look hard enough, you'll find Paulas and Jeffs walking down the street, I have never found someone named Ness. Maybe that was the point. Maybe Ness is supposed to sound uncommon? At least it's better than Pokey or Poo or King Uthgaurden the Twenty-Third of Scotland (Who, by the way, isn't a character in Earthbound, But who cares?) So here I am sitting at my computer typing a poem writing an e-mail and using AOL. Two out of three ain't so bad. What were we talking about again? (I also have the same problem with Poo, but I'll write about that when I'm not so hungry.)