Battle Theme Written by The Runaway Five Kid When the battle begins, I know I'm gonna win! I'll smash you around, knock ya outta town! You know you're weak, don't act like I'm meek! This is the Battle Theme! YOU'RE GONNA LOSE! You know you can't hit me, SO THIS IS THE NEWS! I've defeated you, kicked you with my shoe, Knocked your face into who knows who! You're never gonna win, don't try it my friend! This is the Battle theme, YOU'RE GONNA LOSE! You know you can't hit me, SO THIS IS THE NEWS! *Punk Rock Solo* I've won EB, I knew you'd see! I'm the best, didn't even have to guess! Don't come around the shore, Or I will give you some more! This is the battle theme YOU'RE GONNA LOSE! You know you can't hit me, SO THIS IS THE NEWS!!!!