Why You Should Write a Poem Written by The Artist Formerly Known as CPTCrunch Why can't you write a poem? "Oh, I'm no good at that," you say. Well, I'm not exactly Percy Shelley (who by the way was a very famous British poet but who cares, really?) but here I am, writing a poem. Granted, this poem sucks like a Hoover? brand vacuum cleaner But the point is, it's a poem. Why? Because I SAID it's a poem. It's a common misconception that poems have to rhyme and be full of big fancy words. Well, I don't know about you but trying to read those old Shakespearean poems is like trying to cut down a hickory tree with a rusty butter knife. But the important thing is that I'm using nifty metaphors, and also I'm splitting it all up into lines so it looks real nice The nice thing about poetry is that like art, it can be anything you want it to be. It's like wandering around an art museum and seeing something that looks like a helicopter crash or a construction accident or somebody shooting a paintball gun at a white canvas but it's art simply because the artist SAYS it's art and you just have to accept it. Poetry's the same way. If you don't understand that, that's too bad cause I'm out of metaphors for this block of the poem, which by the way is way too long. So the next time you sit around thinking "gee, I'd LOVE to help starmen.net out and write a poem but I just can't write poetry" Remember that your warped thinking is like a vast, boundless expanse of nothing. If you listen closely, you can hear that little thought rattling around inside your head like a BB in an empty tunafish can. I wrote this poem, which is an absolute masterpiece, (because I SAID SO and you just better accept it) after going 34 hours or so without any sleep and I wrote the whole thing in 15 minutes. So you can definitely write something that sucks just as much and yet is like a baby bird that falls out of its nest and is immediately picked up by a six year old child. God alone knows what that child will do to that bird, but we hope the end comes quickly for it. And so it is for your poetry and mine. And remember, your poem should definitely have a snappy ending unlike this one.