Jeff's Pitiful Poetry Written by The Artist Formerly Known As CPTCrunch This poem Jeff The boy genius did write As he ran across the sky On his way to Threed In 199X. Or at least, It's a poem he would have wrote, Had he thought to write a poem, which he didn't. And it goes as follows: Traffic's backed up In the desert again And some hillbilly's shooting at me With what looks like a BB gun Even though I'm cruising At 1,500 feet or so. What on earth am I doing, anyway? What possessed me to get out of bed At four in the morning And trudge through the cold With that stupid little monkey Who would pick fights With Gruff Goats and then stand there Like some kind of cretin Scratching his head? Whoever Paula is, I hope she realizes That she owes me BIG time for this. At least I finally got the chance To get away from that Tony kid He's really been acting Like a little creep lately. It seems I'm in Threed now People are pointing at me Or, rather, at the Sky Runner And screaming And someone's setting up An anti-aircraft cannon That does not look Like a friendly gesture to me. The radar is beeping Probably dad forgot To have it serviced again This thing's been sitting In his shop For the last thirty years or so And probably needs an oil change. I won't get much further At this rate So perhaps I ought to just crash it Into this graveyard right here. And I don't care WHAT Paula or this Ness guy tell me They are NOT getting my boiled egg. -- "Lamentations of the Sky Runner" By Jeff Andonuts, 199X So I must flee again After bringing to you This wonderful poem The men in white coats Are after me once again Sometime soon I'll write Another wonderful poem for you This is actually quite fun I may just decide To chronicle EarthBound Entirely in "free verse" poem form. Let's hope not Because that would mean I have WAY too much time on my hands And probably no one would Read it anyway.