Come Into a World by Suporma Come into a world Filled with danger, overrun by beasts Where robots and bugs and zombies run amuck Striving to destroy all you hold dear Threatened by a universal cosmic destroyer Whose evil ambience turns your fellows against you Whose dark power cannot be comprehended Come into a world Where you have friends you have never met Scattered throughout the land Waiting to join your quest With pizza deliveries and storage services Signs to let you unload your gear to strangers And free daily newspapers from hotels Come into a world Of baseball bats and frying pans Where you can rise above your humble past And destroy evil incarnate Where you are not simply a boy But a great heroic fighter Chosen by the Apple of Enlightenment Come into a world Where the earth channels your power And multiplies it ahundredfold Revealing your true self See your world Your true world And be the hero you really are