Final Fight (Endless Wish) Written by Shadow The Hedgehog To The Tune of the Final Boss of Secret of Mana (Giygas) Why do you think that you can win? It's hopeless, give in boy! or you will die, I promise that. And if by chance, you fluke a win, I promise, I'll keep coming back to fight again! Again and again... (Ness) I won't give in, I won't flinch, not a-a-a bit! You can't beat me, you can't break me, I know this... I will not give in, not as long I live you can't kill me, or my friends, never, never, never... (Giygas) So, you dare to challenge me! Fine by me, I'll crush you here and now, but, if I win this world dies, You go down, with it from the skies, I will make sure you won't walk awaaay from this... (Ness) Why, oh why, do you keep challenging me? You have only some time to escape before I find you, I will win, so will Earth, and them all, We won't bend, nor fall, nor break nor die, none at all... But if by chance I do die, I will not stop, Jeff, Paula, Poo, will fight by my side... Until the end... the final credits roll.. simply put, let us fight to see the winner of all...