The Night Before Christmas Written by reidman 'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the chat room Not a chatter typed sanely, but said "BoInG" and "ZoOm" The bots were all hung by the entrance with care to watch for lamers and kick here and there. The chatters were all typing, 'LOL' some said While visions of ophood danced in their heads With X at her @ and I in my channel; I had just settled down in my underwear flannel When over in #earthbound there arose such a clatter I sprang to my mouse to see what was the matter I found that some hackers were trying to take over By riding the split which just merged with Andover Kicking like lightning and using X-powa Struck fear in their hearts and forced them to cower The hackers retreated and quietly muttered Various curses concerning my mother The terror was over, the channel set free By the groovy-cool ops and AutoEB Thank you for reading this shameless plug Be sure to buy all our cool EB mugs!** *Please note that I suck at writing poems **Please note that there is no such thing as an EB mug.