LimerickBound III Written by Pedestrian Calling they did Their bets on survival were bid A kid shook himself awake, not far from a lake Where tessie would help them out The kid had glasses And shiny blond hair He could fix many things get rusty bells to ring His name was Jeff and he was a genius To the door he head But tripped and fell instead Tony yawned and the idea dawned that Jeff was running away from school So out the door they went And hopped over the tall fence Jeff said good-bye please don't cry I'll see you next time I do Jeff saw a bubble monkey Who could blow bubbles He bought the kid, The woman sure did want to get rid Of that poor young Bubble Monkey Onward through the snow he travelled Encountering quite a few battles Quite a test and beat the best With his big bottle rocket The woods had ended Down the mountains he decended It seemed like a dead end but bubble monkey decided to lend A helping hand to the situation Through the maze he travelled A monkey babe left our pal dazzled So the monkey and Jeff would part, He wondered if this would start an excellent relationship And to the lab he journeyed Where he learned his dad wasn't an attorney They hadn't seen each other in years, but no time for tears Cause up in the Skyrunner Jeff went