Starboy! Written by Kradon Through the sky of undying stars, piercing the helm of evil, a boy arrives to save the day, Ness he is by name Battling through and through, with an uncertain purpose, fighting anything, that is sure to hurt us. He guards our kind, with his crude toys, and always manages not to drag behind. He is strong, he is loving, he is our endeared leader, and anytime evil comes, he will heartily beat her! Through the sky of undying stars, piercing the helm of evil, a boy arrives to save the day, Ness he is by name Accepting with no prejudices, he is but a boy! How could he hate, do anything to deplete joy? Simply he doesn't, he represents his people, and he helps them, shows them the light. He isn't a violent soul, nor is he slacking, he'd prefer to talk to someone, rather than start hacking! Through the sky of undying stars, piercing the helm of evil, a boy arrives to save the day, Ness he is by name! (x2)